St. Patrick’s Day Vintage Inspired Card
Sometimes in life you might get stuck, but don’t be so hard on yourself. Just walk away, gather yourself, come back and start over again.
— Mirisha

Hello friends!

I hope you had a great day!!! Soooooo, I came across some vintage inspired journal pages by an artist, and I was inspired to try it out. Sooooo, this card was created. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I was so eager to give it a try. Along the way I got stuck, and that’s okay… Sometimes we might get stuck in a ditch but that’s what AAA is for… LOL!

But in all seriousness, I’ve had my fair share of conversations with crafters who overthink their creative process, and at times are so hard on themselves when a project doesn’t come out how they imagined. IT’S OKAYYYY FRIEND!!!! Sometimes you just have to walk away, gather yourself, and come back and try again. Crafting is meant to be fun!!!! For me it is an outlet to get away from my everyday life. I feel at peace, and I have so much fun that before I know it hours have past me by. Think about it, were we overthinking when we were kids and had our coloring books? Absolutely NOT, we just had joy in coloring.

My crafty friend I hope I have inspired you to not be so hard on yourself! You are AMAZING, and capable of GREAT things. So, grab yourself a box of Crayola’s and a coloring book, and get to crafting!!!