You color my world
Life is about using the entire box of crayons!

Supply List

Lawn Fawn - You Color My World stamp and die set

Catherine Pooler Inks

Watercolor Paper


Adhesive Glue


Clear Embossing Powder

Heat Tool


Hello Friends!

I hope you are having a great day! I recently came across a post on Instagram from Bearly Arts that stated that they needed Cards for Cubs. I began to think, what is Cards for Cubs? In my research, I went to their website and found that they were donating cards to children in the foster care system. My immediately thought (without any hesitation) was that I had to be apart of this!!!

I wanted to design/donate a card that was inspired to bring JOY to the recipient, and to remind them that they bring joy to other’s around them, even during their time of facing their own battles. It saddens me when I hear stories of children who are placed in the system, and some of the things that they have had to endure.

I love CARDS! They are the little things in life that can change a person’s day. Just to know that they were thought of can bring a smile, and brighten one’s day. I also keep every card that I receive, and from time to time I’ll go to my box and pick up a few to read. I also love to give cards. I don’t just sign my name, I include a personal note to the recipient to help bring light to their day.

So what are the little things in life that you enjoy? Not just for you, but to share with the next one.

Love, Peace, & BLESSINGS